Feng shui can be so confusing. He does this. And she does that. Each practitioner has their own way of doing things. And nothing makes sense. In this article, I am referring to a highly misinterpreted and misused feng shui tool, the Bagua. Basic Feng ShuiMost people practice basic feng shui by placing a bagua map or chart over a space; thus dividing the space into 8 trigrams, 8 palaces, or 8 different directional compass. What most people don't know is that this is not the correct way of using a bagua map. It is the very beginning or basic stage of feng shui. This way of using bagua:
Intermediate Feng ShuiIntermediate feng shui use the basic feng shui and the bagua map at another level. So instead of working with the difference of 45 degrees, intermediate feng shui works with the difference of 15 degrees, applies time, refers to a compass reading, looks at a person’s age, marital status, and family status, and focuses on the whole building and its center.
Intermediate-to-Advanced Feng ShuiIntermediate-to-advanced Feng Shui refines Intermediate Feng Shui. This level of feng shui works with 15-degree and applies to a person or thing within a room. Instead of working with the whole building, like in Intermediate Feng Shui, this level works positioning desks or beds within a room at 15 degrees placements. Advanced Feng ShuiAdvanced Feng Shui is a precision method that takes 360 degrees and divide it into 64 parts or 64 hexagrams where we work with, look at, and recommend the difference of 5.625 degrees. This method also includes a person's energy (aka Bazi/astrology/kua or gua/DOB). At this level, we work with both a person's energy and a building's energy. Because we are working with 5.625 degrees, the chances of finding an auspicious Feng Shui earth energy that resonates or matches with a person's energy is slim. And so this method is not highly practiced.
How Specific Do You Want to Feng Shui?
CompassThe number 1 feng shui tool any feng shui master, consultant, practitioner, guru, or enthusiast must have is a compass. And since most of my consultations are virtual, my clients must have a compass handy. At least, download a compass app onto their smartphone Although my feng shui master is hesitant about a compass app, I have not had any issues as long as it's calibrated. Luo Pan
I have a SUUNTO A-10 compass gear, and I love it! The cost of this compass is reasonable. But I love it most because it acts very similar to a luo pan where it has straight edges to obtain a compass reading. Why a Compass?A compass is important because the energy of the building or the feng shui DNA of the building depends on the direction the building faces. A compass is also used to find the most auspicious feng shui directions for beds, desks, and computer/laptop screens. I use a compass to find the most auspicious feng shui direction for client meetings, video recordings, tarot card readings, and other events. Feng Shui EnergyAll feng shui energies have different characteristic traits. And so, I use the different directions for different purposes and events. Also, feng shui energies change every twenty (20) years, yearly, monthly, daily, and 2-hourly. And so I change direction for this reason as well. Using Auspicious Feng Shui Direction for ManifestationI also use a compass to find the most auspicious directions for meditation, visualization, and manifestation works. It makes sense that since I am currently practicing feng shui, I might as well combine other metaphysical methods to increase outcome. And so, most of my meditation and manifestation works are done in my best wealth rooms, at my best money corners, and face the best feng shui direction. Best Direction to Face for June, July, and August 2022In the above YouTube video, I stated the most auspicious direction to face when meditating, visualizing, and manifesting for June, July, and August of 2022. But, that direction is a general auspicious feng shui direction. I do not recommend using this direction to work at a work station because the permanent feng shui energy of the room and the desk placement are unknown. Working at an unknown feng shui location and placement for eight (8) plus hours everyday could be detrimental. As for meditating and manifesting, these events do not go for long hours a day where negative feng shui energies would be absorbed enough to make a big negative impact. But if anyone choose to take a risk of using the mentioned direction at a work station, watch for signs. Change direction once bad luck starts to occur. Thank you for reading. May you all Yin Yang and Prosper!
A long time ago when I was ready to get a feng shui consultation for my 2-bedroom apartment, I couldn’t find a website that listed their prices. I had to fill out a bunch of questions and wait for someone to reach out to me weeks later. When I started my feng shui business, I had a hard time setting my prices because I couldn’t base it on what other consultants were charging. And so I started consulting at a flat fee of $188USD for each home. The below feng shui pricing are from unknown sources. I'm not sure how accurate they are and where they get their statistics, but this will help us have some idea on how much these feng shui consultation cost. I will also share how much some of my colleagues charge for their services, at least, those that were willing to share in our lineage. And so, if anyone is inclined to share how much they paid for a feng shui consultation, please comment below or send me an email at [email protected]. Much appreciated. Fixr noted that the average cost is $400 and that the typical price ranges between $200 and $1,500. HomeAdvisor noted that the average cost is $827 and that the typical price ranges between $591 and $1,534. Homesace had an average pricing of $700, where the typical price ranges between $300 and $1,500. As for my colleagues, one of them charge by square footage of the space. I am not sure how much per square footage because he just started his feng shui business. As for the two colleagues that were willing to share in our group, one of them charge a flat fee of $800 per home and the other one charge a flat fee of $1,000 per home. As we can see, feng shui prices vary by a big degree because there are no regulations for feng shui. Some consultants charge a flat fee while others charge based on experience, size of home, hourly, number of people, complexity of the assessment, and many other variations. At least, we now know that the maximum feng shui consultation for the last couple of years (2021-2022) should be no higher than $1,534 for a residential home. If it were over $1,500, it could be some pretty high-end assessment or that the home was a mansion. If you are interested in my fees, check out my consultation/services page. Thank you all. May you and your family yin yang and prosper! Let’s say that our best money corner is an office that generates a lot of money. Your current goal is to get into that office and generate lots of money too. You end up transferring into that office and now you are part of that team. That office will have a certain type of office environment. It could be fun, challenging, ambitious, professional, face-paced, motivating, collaborative. It could be toxic or unhealthy. All you know is that that office generates lots of money, but really you wouldn’t know until you get there and worked there for a while. That office environment is feng shui energy. It’s something we cannot see but we know it exist. Because some of us can sense the energy, while the most of us can see the behavior of that group and can see the results in their sales. So? How do you become successful in that office or in that best money corner? Align, Resonate, and Vibrate with Feng Shui EnergiesThe answer is to align, resonate, or vibrate the same frequency as feng shui energy. The faster you resonate with feng shui energy, the faster results you will see. And since we don’t what frequency or energy that money corner has, you could either follow this emotion frequency chart… Or what I recommend is to start off with 1.) a positive mind set or can-do attitude, 2.) adjust when needed, and 3.) watch for positive results. This may seem simple, but not the easiest because most of us don’t have that self-awareness to consistently keep a positive mindset & positive emotion in check. Results in 2 to 3 MonthsFor example, I have client who is into feng shui, knows it works, and want to give it try. But once it’s time to move beds around and to add items into the room, she was actually fearful of her husband’s opinion. She was able to get some of the feng shui placement done, but not all. And so, she jumps between the fear and neutrality frequencies where it took her about 2-3 months to see results. Results in 1 to 2 WeeksAs for me, it took me about a week to see money luck happening. I was desperate at that time because wealth, health, and relationship all fell downward, but I was willing and open to try anything. And so after I moved my nursery plant to my money corner, my dad call me about a week later wanting to pay back the money he owed me 10 years ago. My dad don’t pay back money he borrows from his children. But because I willingly activated my money corner with an open mind, I fall into the willingness frequency and saw money luck happening in a week. Results in 0 to 3 DaysAnd lastly, this client here. This client of mine has always been very loving and accepting person who cares for whoever walks into her home. Ever since she got a consultation with me, she adjusted her home based off of my report and her intuition, and found money everywhere, literally. The more money she found, the more joyful she felt. So her emotion started at 350, Acceptance, and went upward to 540 Joy frequency and got instant money luck results. ConclusionResults vary and not guaranteed because we are working with unseen feng shui energy. And since we do not know what frequency to vibrate, we want to, at least, start with a positive mindset, adjust, and watch for positive results. Get ConsultationBeginner's Package
$58.00 - $78.00
This is an introductory package to look at a home's permanent energy. Permanent energy identifies the characteristic energy of a space. This package is a customized Bagua mapping of your home where each space is divided into different directions (of the Bagua) and each space is labeled with numbers (of the Lo Shu).
This is the very first step all Classical Feng Shui practitioners should do before any consultation and recommendations. If you want to know what kind of energy each room/direction has and want to know what to place in each room, get the Silver or Gold Consultation Package. Otherwise, this Beginner's Consultation Package is for those who want to dip in but not yet ready to dive into Feng Shui, or for those who already have basic knowledge of classical flying star Feng Shui. You will receive the following:
Silver Package
$498.00 - $698.00
This consultation package is for a residential home. The difference between this (Silver) and Gold is that Gold is more focus on wealth where I find the best wealth rooms and money corners in Gold Package, while Silver doesn't have those extra wealth details. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
Residential homes that are 2,800 square feet and more, please refer to Solid Gold Consultation Package. Email me if any questions. Thanks. Solid Gold Package
$698.00 - $898.00
This consultation package is for residential homes where I look at many levels of feng shui energies. After calculating the permanent energy, it will help me determine your best wealth rooms, best money corners, what kind of health issues could be triggered, and so much more. So if you are experiencing arguments, illnesses, low health/energy, stagnant wealth luck, lack of creativity, constant accidents, and other unexplainable bad luck situations, then this package is for you because feng shui can cause these challenges. And if you want to balance better health, creativity, relationship, leadership, wealth, fame, popularity, prosperity, and more, this package will also work for you. My reports have averaged out to about 10 pages. But don't let that scare you because I have broken them down and organized them so that it doesn't get overwhelming. I am detailed and want to give you as much information as I can without overloading you at the same time. My turnaround time is now between 7 to 14 days after I received all the required information and documentations. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
Bronze Package
$78.00 - $98.00
This is a basic package to find out if a residential home has good Feng Shui energies because you will receive a short summary of the overall feng shui energies of the home. Most of the clients who purchase this package are those who are about to purchase a home or just want basic information. If you want to know what kind of energy each room has and want to know what to place in each room, get the Silver or Gold Consultation Package. Otherwise, this Bronze Consultation Package is for those who wish to learn the very basic knowledge of the home's feng shui energy.
You will receive the following:
Platinum Package
$1,098.00 - $1,498.00
This consultation is a deep dive into the intricate layers of feng shui energies. By tapping into these energies, we can identify wealth zones, money-making corners, and potential health/wealth triggers. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
Please send me an email if you have questions or have an office space larger than 4,000 square feet. Thank you. Plus 30 Minutes Consultation Package
This is a 30-MINUTE CONSULTATION for those who want additional 1-on-1 assistance and clarification regarding my service and report. If you have simple 1 or 2 questions, please send me an email instead of purchasing this package. I'll respond as soon as I can. Although the Silver, Gold, and Platinum consultation packages have free 20-minute follow-up call(s), some just need that extra help or prefer immediate face-to-face communication. I'm central time (CDT). Please let me know date and time (PDT? MDT? CDT? etc.) you would like to connect. I'll set up a Zoom conference and email you the login ID. Don't forget to provide me your email address if you have not already. PLEASE NOTE: Because this package is personalized to you and your own home, I cannot accept returns, cancellations, or exchanges. Thank you for understanding. For any other queries related to this listing or other listings, please contact me at [email protected], and I will be happy to help. Wishing you yin yang and prosperity! Plus 60 Minutes Consultation Package
This is a 60-MINUTE CONSULTATION for those who want additional 1-on-1 assistance and clarification regarding my service and report.
If you have simple 1 or 2 questions, please send me an email instead of purchasing this package. I'll respond as soon as I can. Although the Silver, Gold, and Platinum consultation packages have free introductory consultation and free 20-minute follow-up call(s), my reports do average about 10 pages. And so, some just need that extra help, prefer immediate face-to-face communication, or prefer that I discuss what they need to do in their own home. I'm central time (CDT). Please let me know date and time (PDT? MDT? CDT? etc.) you would like to connect. I'll set up a Zoom conference and email you the login ID. Don't forget to provide me your email address if you have not already. PLEASE NOTE: Because this package is personalized to you and your own home, I cannot accept returns, cancellations, or exchanges. Thank you for understanding. For any other queries related to this listing or other listings, please contact me at [email protected], and I will be happy to help. Wishing you yin yang and prosperity! Copper Package
Whether you are renting a room or living with roommates or family members that don't believe in feng shui, this package is for you.
It is best to feng shui the whole home/apartment/condo. Sometimes life just doesn't work the way we want it to. I understand. At least, take control of your own space. And so, this consultation package is for 1 bedroom or 1 guest room where I look at many levels of Feng Shui energies. I will calculate the permanent energy which will help me determine how to best feng shui your room. So if you are experiencing arguments, illnesses, low health/energy, unexplainable decrease in wealth, lack of creativity, constant accidents, and other unexplainable bad luck situations, try to feng shui the space that you are in control of, which is your room. Then watch for positive results. You will receive the following: - Calculation of the building's facing and period. - Written assessment of the room's wealth, health, and relationship. - Written recommendations to enhance positive energies, if any, and reduce negative energies for the year. - Best bed placements for the year. - Best desk placements if any. - 20-min follow-up call in 3 months. In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details: - Address of home/building. - The owner's move-in date. - Blueprint/floor plans. - Compass reading of the front door or wall that faces the street. (Compass reading is important. A slight difference can change the whole Feng Shui energy. Please take several compass readings until you are comfortable with the reading.) - Optional: Virtual tour or video recording of room. Or photos. Gold Vermeil Package
$598.00 - $798.00
Special Note: This consultation package has the same features as Solid Gold Consultation Package EXCEPT there will be no communication in this package. I recommend that clients that have worked with me purchase this package because they would know what to do and know how I work already. But if you are certain that you wouldn't need to ask question, this consultation package is for you. Should you have any questions, you may purchase the Plus 30 or Plus 60 for any clarification. Consultation Description: This consultation package is for residential homes where I look at many levels of feng shui energies. After calculating the permanent energy, it will help me determine your best wealth rooms, best money corners, what kind of health issues could be triggered, and so much more. So if you are experiencing arguments, illnesses, low health/energy, stagnant wealth luck, lack of creativity, constant accidents, and other unexplainable bad luck situations, then this package is for you because feng shui can cause these challenges. And if you want to balance better health, creativity, relationship, leadership, wealth, fame, popularity, prosperity, and more, this package will also work for you. My reports have averaged out to about 10 pages. But don't let that scare you because I have broken them down and organized them so that it doesn't get overwhelming. I am detailed and want to give you as much information as I can without overloading you at the same time. My turnaround time is 7-14 days after I received all the required information and documentations. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
ADVANCED Gold Vermeil Package
$698.00 - $898.00
ADVANCED Feng Shui Consultation sync your gua/kua number with your space. I calculate your gua number with your 4 pillars (DOB). Most consultant only use your birth year. I use all 4: time, day, month, and year. The more specific we are, the more specific we sync your energy into your home. And by specific, I will also be working with 5.625 degrees instead of 15 degrees in my general package. Check out my YouTube video here to learn the difference: https://youtu.be/xPDYWJR7jaA In this ADVANCED consultation, I will look for ONE BED DIRECTION for one bed, one room and ONE DESK DIRECTION for one desk, one room. Again, this doesn't mean that there will be a good direction for either. There could be none. If there is an auspicious direction, I will also look into ONE DAY AND HOUR to move the bed and/or desk. Other than these two advanced directions, everything will be based on Intermediate Feng Shui method where I look at the the difference of 15 degrees. For additional bed or desk placements, please purchase ADVANCED Bed, Desk, or Stove Consultation Package. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Special Note: This consultation package has the same features as ADVANCED Solid Gold Consultation Package EXCEPT there will be no communication in this package. If you have questions, you can email me and I will try my best to answer as much and as fast as I can. I recommend that my clients that have worked with me purchase this package because they already know how I work and what to do. But if you are certain that you would not need to ask questions, this consultation package is for you. Should you have any questions, you may purchase the Plus 30 or Plus 60 for any clarification. Consultation Description: This consultation package is for residential homes where I look at many levels of feng shui energies. After calculating the permanent energy, it will help me determine your best wealth rooms, best money corners, what kind of health issues could be triggered, and so much more. I will also make recommendation to activate auspicious areas and reduce inauspicious areas of the home. So if you are experiencing arguments, illnesses, low health/energy, stagnant wealth luck, lack of creativity, constant accidents, and other unexplainable bad luck situations, then this package is for you because feng shui can cause these challenges. And if you want to balance better health, creativity, relationship, leadership, wealth, fame, popularity, prosperity, and more, this package will also work for you. My reports have averaged out to about 10 pages. But don't let that scare you because I have broken them down and organized them so that it doesn't get overwhelming. I am detailed and want to give you as much information as I can without overloading you at the same time. My turnaround time is between 7-14 days after I received all the required information and documentations. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
ADVANCED Solid Gold Package
$898.00 - $1,098.00
ADVANCED Feng Shui Consultation sync your gua/kua number with your space. I calculate your gua number with your 4 pillars (DOB). Most consultant only use your birth year. I use all 4: time, day, month, and year. The more specific we are, the more specific we match your energy into your home. And by specific, I will also be working with 5.625 degrees instead of 15 degrees in my general package. Check out my YouTube video here to learn the difference: https://youtu.be/xPDYWJR7jaA In this ADVANCED consultation, I will look for ONE BED DIRECTION for one bed, one room and ONE DESK DIRECTION for one desk, one room. If there is an auspicious direction, I will also look into ONE DAY AND HOUR to move the bed and/or desk. Other than these two advanced directions, everything will be based on Intermediate Feng Shui method where I look at the the difference of 15 degrees. For additional bed or desk placements, please purchase ADVANCED Bed, Desk, or Stove Consultation Package. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This consultation package is for residential homes where I look at many levels of feng shui energies. After calculating the permanent energy, it will help me determine your best wealth rooms, best money corners, what kind of health issues could be triggered, and so much more. I will also make recommendation to activate auspicious areas and reduce inauspicious areas of the home. So if you are experiencing arguments, illnesses, low health/energy, stagnant wealth luck, lack of creativity, constant accidents, and other unexplainable bad luck situations, then this package is for you because feng shui can cause these challenges. And if you want to balance better health, creativity, relationship, leadership, wealth, fame, popularity, prosperity, and more, this package will also work for you. My reports have averaged out to about 10 pages. But don't let that scare you because I have broken them down and organized them so that it doesn't get overwhelming. I am detailed and want to give you as much information as I can without overloading you at the same time. My turnaround time is between 7-14 days after I received all the required information and documentations. You will receive the following:
In order for me to complete a written report, I need the following details:
Advanced Bed, Desk, or Stove Placements
ADVANCED Feng Shui Consultations sync your gua/kua number with your space. I calculate your gua number with your 4 pillars (DOB). Most consultant only use your birth year. I use all 4: time, day, month, and year. The more specific we are, the more specific we sync your energy into your home. And by specific, I will also be working with 5.625 degrees instead of 15 degrees in my general package. Check out my YouTube video here to learn the difference: https://youtu.be/xPDYWJR7jaA This consultation package looks for an auspicious location and direction for ONE bed, desk, or stove within 5.625 degrees. ONE auspicious day and time to move the item is also included in this package. This consultation package uses a combination of advanced feng shui method and advanced feng shui date selection method to match or sync the energies between the home, the main income earner, and the day and time. Since this package involves the main income earner and a home, I will need:
True date and time specifically to your gua/kua/astrology is limited and it can go as far as 2 months to 12 months. The more parties involved, the less auspicious dates there are. And so, I recommend moving the bed, desk, or stove as soon as you can and then readjust again in the auspicious date. Congratulations! You have given yourself and career/business the best jump start. Please note: - Everything is done virtually so all communication is through email. - Because this package is personalized to you, I cannot accept returns, cancellations, or exchanges. Thank you for understanding. - I will finish your customized date selections within 7 days of purchase provided that I have all the required information. Thank you. May you and your family Yin Yang and Prosper! We spend about a third of our lifetime in the bedroom, specifically in the bed. Thus, the bedroom is one of the rooms that we must properly feng shui. Because bad feng shui in the bedroom can cause health issues, insomnia, headaches, and low energy the next day. As I was looking for examples for my clients, I came across the below bedroom image. Right away, I noticed four things that can be changed in this room: 1.) the ceiling beams, 2.) the vaulted ceiling, 3.) the poison arrow from the light fixture, only if it was above the bed, and 4.) the direct energy coming from the door to the backyard. Simple Ways to RemedyOne of the easiest feng shui remedies is to move the bed. Move the bed to the highest point of the ceiling to fix the vaulted ceiling issue. Move the bed away from being under a ceiling beam. And move the bed away from being under a pointing light fixture. Another simple way to remedy vaulted ceiling and ceiling beam is to use a canopy bed. Most of the canopy beds have an open top. Get one with a covered flat top. To remedy the incoming energy from the backyard door, place a furniture or large item between the bed and door to block the direct energy. Best Way to RemedyThe best and permanent way to remedy these four is to renovate: 1.) add a flat ceiling to remedy vaulted ceiling and ceiling beams, 2.) change the pointing light fixture to something round, and 4.) change the door that is indirect of the bed to a wall or a window. ConclusionThere is no such thing as a perfect feng shui home. It is best to know the basic feng shui structures before moving or buying a new home. If not, consult with a properly trained classical feng shui practitioner. Thank you, and I wish you yin yang and prosperity! One of my supporter asked, “how to enlighten bad energy areas besides using curing salt?” First of all, I would like to take this moment to congratulate and personally thank this individual for using such a powerful and accurate word, “enlighten.” Feng Shui practitioners tend to use the term “remedy.” When we remedy bad feng shui energy, we are trying to fix it, treat it, and make it right. But this person actually used the proper term. Especially when she asked “how to enlighten,” I envision a growing light, increasing positive energy, and accepting the other kind of energy. Bad EnergyWhat is bad? Google defined bad as “of poor quality or a low standard. Not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome.” So my definition of bad could be different from your definition because my low standard could be different from your low standard. Yin YangOne of the main principals of Feng Shui and other Chinese metaphysics is yin-yang. It’s a symbol, principal, or concept that states that the universe (everything) is complex but complementary, interconnected, and interdependent by light and dark, positive and negative, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, and so on. Thus, we cannot fix or treat or make rights of “bad” energies because we cannot live without one or the other. We can only help, assist, or shed light (or dim) energies that we find unfavorable. We can only balance and complement what we have. So to balance and complement flying star energies, we have to figure out what is important for us at this moment: health and relationship or wealth and s Luo ShuThen we take a look at flying star energies. A Luo Shu to be exact. A Lou Shu has 9 numbers and each number is connected to different aspect of life. Each number has countless layer of meanings. And each number has a yin (positive) and a yang (negative) traits. And since we’re talking about balancing and complementing energies, we want to take a look at one layer, the five elements. Each number of a Luo Shu represents one of the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Each element supports, reduces, or destroys another element. Let’s take a look at the number five. Feng shui practitioners like to talk about the number 5, also known as 5 Yellow, because “it’s evil” and “very harmful,” which it is. It can cause huge financial loss, severe illnesses and accidents, and obstacles in success and relationships. And it does have a small positive trait that no one seems to talk about. And that is sudden wealth. But the chances of sudden wealth is close to none.
Other flying stars we need to look out for are 2, 3, and 7. Take a look at what elements they are, and what is needed to reduce their negative impacts. Remember to use opposing element, not destructive. This year, the 5 Yellow is in southeast. Although southeast has this severe illness and catastrophe energies, it doesn’t mean that we place a bunch of metal elements into that area too. We still have to look at the different levels of energies and how they react to one another. I did a recent Facebook live about my money corner. Although the annual and monthly energies are auspicious in that corner, those auspicious energies combined with my permanent energies caused violence and anger energies. So I had to cut back on activating my wealth corner because I chose peace over wealth. Behind the SceneLet's look at this combination: the 7 and 5. With flying star Feng Shui, it's a lot more complex with multiple layers than this. But for the sake simplicity, we are only looking at 7 and 5. The number 7 (aka 7 Robbery Star) is a metal element. And the number 5 (aka 5 Yellow) is an earth element. Both 7 and 5 have negative attributes. They are both unfavorable energies. What do we do if these these two stars fly into our room or the area? We want to stay away from using fire and wood elements because fire destroys the 7 metal and wood destroys the 5, earth. Again, we want to strive for harmony, not destructive. This is where we have to pick and choose our battle. How do we reduce these two energies without using destructive elements so that we can live in harmony and absorbs the auspicious energies? There are two ways to reduce these energies: 1.) Leave the two energies alone. Depending on our heaven luck, mankind luck, and earth luck, the reaction and end results may vary: A.) The 7 metal gets exhausted by reducing the 5 earth, leaving us some 5 earth energy. B.) The 5 earth gets exhausted by supporting the 7 metal, leaving us more 7 metal energy. C.) Nothing happens. And we get to absorb both 5 earth and 7 metal equally. 2.) Add water element into the room to reduces the 7 metal energy. Depending on our heaven luck, mankind luck, and earth luck, the reaction and end results may vary: A.) The 7 metal gets exhausted by reducing the 5 earth, leaving us some 5 earth energy. B.) The 5 earth gets exhausted by supporting the 7 metal, leaving more 7 metal energy. But since we have a physical element in the room, the 7 metal continuously gets reduced, leaving us some or little 7 metal energy. C.) After the water element reduces the 7 metal, we get some 7 metal and all 5 earth energy. This is why most Feng Shui consultations place water or blue into a room or an area that has a 7 and a 5. Either way, there will be some challenging energies left for us to absorb. And this is where salt cure comes in. Salt CureSalt cure is a tool made up of salt, water, and metal. Salt has the ability to absorb negative energies. With the help of water and metal, salt transmutes or changes negative energies into crystals. These crystals form out and around the container so touching it with bare hands will have negative impact on who ever touches it. This is where I understand why the individual wanted to opt out salt cure. Salt cure has to be handled meticulously. And it is not favorable around pets and children.
We can opt out salt cure and leave the challenging energies up to our heaven luck, mankind luck, and earth luck. Good luck, and may you and your family yin-yang and prosper. |
AuthorSusan is properly trained in Classical Feng Shui. Not only does she create balance and harmony in a space, she also help identify goals and challenges and use simple but powerful methods to get results. One of her successful clients reported constant abundance in wealth and constant success in business and continue to grow as a follower of Susan. Archives
April 2023